Black beans for weight loss
Black beans are rich in protein and fibre, of the nutrients more nutritious and don't contain fat. However, it is a fact already known, that can be applied to any kind of beans. But the color dark indicates a very high content of flavonoids, which, according to studies, contribute to the destruction of fat in the abdominal area.PEAR against a belly fat
A PEAR, even the most juicy and sweet, is so low calories content and fibre-rich that one can eat every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still lose weight. Moreover, it is rich in catechins and Flavonols. These are the antioxidants, and also contribute to the destruction of the fat "animal" (which is deposited in the abdominal area).Popcorn can also help you lose weight!
Popcorn (plain unsweetened and unsalted!) also helps to get rid of belly, however strange it may seem. Why is a whole grain as whole wheat, buckwheat, millet, or wild rice. It will be very useful for the figure, and health for in General, if these and other whole grain foods remove white rice flour, semolina, white and other refined products from kitchen shelves.Cold potatoes are ideal for losing weight
Cold potato salad potatoes (of course, if it does not contain fat sour cream or mayonnaise) have a very low glycemic index than hot potatoes! … The cooling of easily digestible starch leads to the transformation of its fibers, the so-called stable starch that is not so easily digested. Fibers become insoluble starch cooled and coarse, like fruits and vegetables and are very useful for those who care Figureof them. In combination with the vinegar-based sauce, boiled potatoes cold, stimulates the production of hormones that suppress appetite.Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds also help to create and maintain the figure despite the fact that they are half composed of fat. Fat containing polyunsaturated and is useful. Paradoxically, it prevents obesity and the accumulation of extra pounds. But the main and indispensable condition is that nuts and seeds should replace cookies and candy, unhealthy saturated fat-rich.Tea help you lose weight
Tea is a well-known slimming product whose effectiveness has been demonstrated by a huge amount of scientific research. The most impressive is that fat cells absorb 70% less fat under the influence of white tea. In addition, tea destroys fat that already exists in adipose cells. So, one or two cups of tea at least 5 times a day will be a very tasty way to lose weight. Green tea and white are the "most slimming pills".Fat burning apple vinegar
Apple vinegar was popular as a fairly radical way to lose weight. But there is no need to be fanatically obsessed with vinegar, which could be dangerous to the stomach. It is enough to use the Apple vinegar as a base for dressings and sauces. Acetic acid, virtually, stimulates fat burning and prevents the accumulation of fatty deposits.Of course, it is difficult to achieve the desired result by simply changing dietthe. Changes in the feed will work much more effective if accompanied by a new lifestyle in General: more attention to themselves, more movement and more fun!
Source of image: Photl.Source