Maybe you haven’t paid much attention to your deodorant’s ingredients. Until now, I hadn’t either. Some deodorant formulas contain aluminum salt, which can irritate those with aluminum allergens—or even just sensitive skin. CLEAN’s answer to this is their Moisture-Absorbent Deodorant. This breakthrough formula contains a blend of cotton-based ingredients to absorb moisture and excess oil.
Cotton Vantage, as it has been dubbed and trademarked by CLEAN, is a high-tech blend of cotton extracts, seeds, and oils that actually self-adjusts to your body. It also works with your body to soothe, soften, and condition skin. The unique combination of natural ingredients work as a time-release formula, so it starts to protect as moisture actually develops. This means, it may feel different from many aluminum-based products and may need some getting used t,o since it doesn’t appear to give results from first contact. It’s very gentle on skin, keeps you fresh all day, and emits a fresh, just-out-of-the-shower scent with CLEAN’s Original Scent.
In the brand’s own sweat tests, CLEAN found that the Moisture-Absorbent Deodorant reduced wetness 18-22% over 6 hours. Many studies have shown most aluminum-based antiperspirants reduce wetness 30-35%. So without aluminum, this revolutionary formula reduces almost just as much wetness. Plus, it doesn’t contain any mineral oils, parabens, sulfates, or animal byproducts. Sounds like everything you need—and nothing you don't.
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Spotlight: CLEAN Moisture-Absorbent Deodorant
Spotlight: CLEAN Moisture-Absorbent Deodorant
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Label: CLEAN, Deodorant, MoistureAbsorbent, Spotlight