Laser Hair Removal in Virginia

Unwanted hair is a problem that men and women endured for centuries. Temporary withdrawal of razors, tweezers, wax, or if the procedures used by most to cope with their unwanted hair. Until recently, electrolysis is the only effective method of permanent hair removal. However, electrolysis can be painful and lasting scars on the skin, in some cases. With laser hair removal is first introduced, it was a dream come true.
For the first time in history, the hair can be removed permanently and painlessly.
Many people are interested in laser hair removal are skeptical about the long-term results of this procedure. Until recently, lasers have had permanent hair removal claim. The fact is that all hair removal lasers are able to permanently remove hair growth, and some can cause real damage in the process. The fact is that the laser is more efficient, but has no chance to harm the patient.
No hair removal is really complete. Some hair is inevitable. However, repeated sessions of laser treatment the hair growth is reduced.
Strong, dark, fast-growing growth will slowly replaced by softer, brighter hair. Growth areas of thick hair becomes less dense. A single laser treatment will have little long-term effect. At least 5 or 6 treatments over a year are needed. Treatments are typically separated 2-month intervals.
Hair must be at a sensitive stage of their growth cycle for successful treatment. After each treatment sequence, a certain percentage of hair follicles permanently stunned by the laser light. The hair follicle is damaged, but the elements of the skin and tissue are not affected. In addition to helping people in the normal growth of hair, laser hair removal is useful for people who suffer from hirsutism and parafolliculitis beard.
Several generations of lasers have been introduced in recent years. Most laser damage by selectively removing tissue. different target cells are affected by different wave lengths. The range of the wavelength of 500 nm laser extends that influence, especially effects on vascular structures at 1064 nm wavelength, water and melanin. Long Pulse Nd: YAG laser is 1064 and this target melanin in the hair follicles. black hair with a large amount of melanin is more specific. white hair with little melanin is less affected. The blond hair is in the middle of this spectrum.
YAG laser can treat all skin types and has the FDA approved for permanent hair removal: The long pulse Nd. Due to the intensity of laser light, depending on the amount of melanin in the skin and hair color can be controlled, the laser has a very good safety standard. The best results are seen more clearly with dark hair against the skin. Permanent hair removal is possible with virtually no side effects. Patients experience no pain during or after surgery. There is no downtime associated with this process.

Laser hair removal is a procedure that can permanently reduce unwanted hair and improve the use of laser light.

What is laser hair removal to achieve?
The goal of laser hair removal procedure is to remove unwanted hair. This is a problem that men and women endured for centuries.
Temporary withdrawal of razors, tweezers, wax, or if the procedures used by most to cope with their unwanted hair. Until recently, electrolysis is the only effective method of permanent hair removal. However, electrolysis can be painful and lasting scars on the skin, in some cases. With laser hair removal is first introduced, it was a dream come true. For the first time in history, the hair can be removed permanently and painlessly.

Who is a candidate for laser hair removal?
The candidates are people who have a permanent reduction of unwanted hair in certain areas of the face or body do. In addition to helping people in the normal growth of hair, laser hair removal is useful for people who suffer parafolliculitis of hirsutism (excessive hairiness in females) and Bart (inflammation caused by ingrown hairs).

What happens at the first visit for laser hair removal in Virginia?
In the first consultation, you will have the opportunity to share their concerns with the coordinators of patient care and discuss Dr. Marefat. We explain what you know about your process and help you determine what is best for you need. You will receive information booklets, test before and after photos and receive money in the process.

How is laser hair removal?
Usually perform this procedure in our office. The skin area to be treated with the laser to be cleaned and shaved. The laser light creates a superficial burn injury makes the hair follicles, while other elements of the skin in good condition is not given. Several generations of lasers have been introduced in recent years. Most laser damage by selectively removing tissue. different target cells are affected by different wave lengths. The range of the wavelength of 500 nm laser extends that influence, especially effects on vascular structures at 1064 nm wavelength, water and melanin. Long Pulse Nd: YAG laser is 1064 and this target melanin in the hair follicles. black hair with a large amount of melanin is more specific. white hair with little melanin is less affected. The blond hair is somewhere in the middle of this spectrum.

Is it really permanent laser hair removal?
Many people are interested in laser hair removal are skeptical about the long-term results of this procedure. Until recently, lasers have had permanent hair removal claim. The fact is that all hair removal lasers are able to permanently remove hair growth, and some can cause real damage in the process. The fact is that the laser is more efficient, but has no chance to harm the patient. No hair removal is really complete. Some hair is inevitable. However, repeated sessions of laser treatment the hair growth is reduced. Strong, dark, fast-growing growth is slowly replaced by softer, brighter hair. Growth areas of thick hair becomes less dense.

How often do I need laser hair removal treatment Virginia?
It depends on your hair color, skin color, and the laser is used. It will almost certainly require multiple treatments. With the Nd: YAG, have at least 5-6 treatments. It is not unusual to have twice as many sessions to achieve the desired results. Treatments are typically separated 2-month intervals. Hair must be at a sensitive stage of their growth cycle for successful treatment. After each treatment sequence, a certain percentage of hair follicles permanently stunned by the laser light. The hair follicle is damaged, but the elements of the skin and tissue are not affected.

What can I expect after laser hair removal?
It will be a minimal inflammation of the hair follicles to laser hair removal. Your skin may appear to have goose bumps, but it quickly resolved within hours. The treated area can be a little red. No need for downtime to this procedure. Patients will usually get in a position to treatment and return to work next time.

How many visits I after treatment with laser hair removal in Virginia?
Treatments are typically separated 2-month intervals. You can make as many visits as you like. Our most recent treatment of a package per year. In most cases there is a sufficient reduction of the hair, so other treatments are not necessary.

When I cover my hair removal laser blue make-up?
You should not bruises in such proceedings.

Am I a good candidate for laser hair removal?
The ideal candidate for laser hair removal is a person who has dark hair on light skin. Long Pulse Nd: YAG laser is 1064 and this target melanin in the hair follicles. black hair with a large amount of melanin is more specific. white hair with little melanin is less affected. The blond hair is somewhere in the middle of this spectrum.

How can I pay for laser hair removal in Virginia?
You can pay by this method are certified by check, credit card or cash. Payment for cosmetic surgery is expected prior to each procedure. If you have planned for a week's salary in advance, you can pay by check.

Are there Laser Hair Removal scars?
No, there is no scarring with this procedure.

Laser hair removal hurt?
Patients have almost no pain during or after surgery. If you have strong hair, which requires high energy pulses of light, you can feel a slight tingling with the laser, but the advantage of the long pulse Nd: YAG laser can be set in any comfort for the patient.

Will I be awake during the laser hair removal?
Yes, you need no sedation or local anesthesia for this procedure.

Where the laser hair removal in Virginia is made?
The procedure is performed in our offices in Virginia.

Are medical photographs taken method of hair removal by laser?
Yes, in all cases, cosmetic and reconstructive X-rays are taken. The photographs are required. It is the only way we can compare the situation before the operation results. Photos in plastic surgery, the same role as X-rays are used for orthopedic surgery.

How do I start with laser hair removal in Virginia?
Dr. Marefat and employees of the Metropolitan plastic surgery would be happy to debate you in setting up a personal consultation for the treatment of laser hair removal in Virginia. Make an appointment online or call one of our locations in Arlington, Va., office 703-516-7600 or our Woodbridge, Virginia, office 703-560-9583.

Are there financing options for laser hair removal in Virginia?
Dr. Marefat offering a variety of financial assistance programs and payment plans for treatment costs laser hair removal in Virginia. Please visit the finance section of the patient on our site for more information or ask the staff of the Metropolitan plastic surgery on these options, so you can start treatment with laser hair removal in Virginia today.


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Laser Hair Removal in Virginia