Acne and its treatment

Acne is a threat. However, there is something that can not be addressed. There are many skin care around the acne. We can classify acne skin care specializes in 3 categories * care or general acne skin care products * * disadvantages for acne skin care products for acne disadvantages.

The skin care acne are usually prevent as a measure to acne. This includes cleaning, writing, and similar products that prevent acne help. In the truest sense, these acne skin care products are what must anyway be part of your daily routine. However, some of them are acting more as a skin care product acne. These products for acne skin care to combat the causes of acne eg limiting the production of sebum and oil and prevent clogging of the pores of the skin effect. Basically, these products for skin care acne keep the oil trapped in pores and hence hamper the growth of bacteria that cause acne. The skin care acne usually also products such as exfoliation skin peels. This work to eliminate dead skin cells, thereby blocking the ability of the pores and the growth of bacteria.

Then there are special skin care for acne, which is available in pharmacies without a prescription. These include products such as creams, which extract the extra oil from the skin. Most of these acne skin care products on benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, which are based the enemies of bacteria (and acne). You should contact a product, lower concentration of benzoyl peroxide (eg 5%) have and see how your skin reacts start. Moisturizers alpha hydroxy acids are also popular as acne skin care. You may need to try before you work in a number of acne skin care product is zero for you. If nothing seems to work, contact a dermatologist.

In skin care acne recipe is prescribed by a dermatologist. It can ointments that can be applied to the affected area or oral antibiotics or topical treatment. Dermatologist can extract even a minor surgical procedure, the contents of pustules.

So with all the products for skin care, anti acne is not that difficult.

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Acne and its treatment